Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy 2011

Yeah yeah..finally new year came...The end of 2010 and new beginning for 2011.. I have a lot wishes for year 2011...Lots of thing to be done and achieved!...Wish myself all the best and must fighting~~ till the end....

Monday, December 27, 2010

Change Change....

Present Christmas 2010

Here we go...I received a lot different kind of present..and I truely happy with it...I got everything I need....

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Let's compare

Sometimes I wondering what will happened to me after few years or maybe few months...What I had change? To be good or bad? So I got all my oldie photos and compared...compared and compared...LOLZ..

I just love myself now, I must say!

***Christmas 2006***


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bad Dream all night long....

Oh my.... Yesterday had such a bad dream aka nightmare... I can't even sleep and have to wake so early... Now I totally don't have mood to sleep.... Hopefully I'll forgotten about the bad dream and have a nice nice nice dream tonight

Anyway, Christmas is just around the corner..Must enjoy till the end of year 2010...

**Merry Christmas 2010**

Monday, December 20, 2010

$$$$$ all the way~

Whenever ppl talks about $$$, sure will get into fight...

R.I.P to you and $$$

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fairy tales?

Knock Knock...~ Wake up... There is no happy ending as all in those childhood fairy tales... Nothing in this world is perfect... Please...Don't putting so much hope for something... No hoping no more. They all are hopeless... =.=